Monsanto Pride

We're liking the odds, but Just in Case - at Monsanto we’ve taken initiative with a goal of planting 100,000 acres of living crops on the Lunar surface by the year 2050

Tennyson Woodbridge takes pride in knowing the twilight of his career is in transcending the concept of ‘Harvest Moon’ to the next level. Be sure to download Monsanto’s latest Earth Modeling Data for a full report on why

Monsanto Pride
Persona portraits, September, 2021
Copyright © Tennyson Woodbridge, 1963 to present. All appropriation rights reserved

It's Time to Talk About LATER

It Time to talk about LATER:

…sponsored by the Living Agreement To Engage Reality (a darkly ironic promotional think-tank focused on furthering Society’s Induction with Toxicity and the Advancement of Illness, Impairment and Neglect)

Persona portrait; July, 2024
Fair-use copyright © Tennyson Woodbridge, 1963 to present. All appropriation rights granted